Sunday, June 28, 2009


I can't believe I started a blog back in 2007 and had not figured out how to access it again for the past 2 years. I'm obviously one of the worlds most computer-dense individuals who ever lived.

But LIVE I do - and I really do appreciate life. My odds of being alive after having 3 sections of my liver removed due to cancer was less than 20%. But here I am, in remission, and feeling blessed for every day that my Savior has given me to enjoy my 3 beautiful grandchildren.

Now that I have finally figured out how to access my blog, I will hopefully learn how to post. My goal is to post photos and adventures with Gabrielle, Steve, and Anna, and share my card making with you. I LOVE reading the blogs of other card maker and hope that I, too, can inspire someone to create.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Hi...Welcome to my Blog

I'm Linda & my 3 darling grandchildren are my pride and joy. This is my blog dedicated to them.

My hobby is creating cards. I have been fighting cancer for over 3 years and started this hobby to keep me busy since I'm no longer able to work. I love it & it gives me so much joy to see the happiness that my cards bring to my family & friends.